First Game Day Message

We are so excited to kick off the 2024 Youth Soccer Season.   We are sending this email out to let all families aware of some of the things we have let your coach know about.   Coaches already have so much on their plates and any help you can give your coach is greatly appreciated.   

 There are quite a few different board positions that are currently vacant, if you or anyone you know if interested please have them contact Karen Gutierrez.  As of now there are a ton of jobs that we all split up, Here is a list of the jobs and who is working on them so you know who to contact with questions.  

 Field use:  Karen Gutierrez

Scheduling Competitive:  Karen Gutierrez

Scheduling Recreational:  Kylie Pena

Field equipment or team equipment:  Karen Gutierrez

Gate opening or closing:  Board Members/coaches

Uniforms:  Veronica Hernandez

Sponsors:  Charlie Knust / Karen Gutierrez

Picture day:  Nichole McGinnis

Mid Season Tournament:  Karen Gutierrez

Compliance:  Kylie Pena and Veronica Hernandez

Referees:  Karen Gutierrez

Registration Info:  Kylie Pena


-All Fields are used under agreement with the Valley Center Pauma Unified School District.  We must abide by their rules in order to continue to use the fields.

-Fields are to be used for sanctioned VCYS practices and games ONLY.  Any changes or unplanned use of the fields must be approved by the VCYS board. 

-Unplanned use of the fields without VCYS board permissions may result in a fine to the offending coach/team.

-NO DOGS ON ANY FIELD.  This is a strict policy from the VCPUSD.




Pewee- Birth year 2019/2020/2021

Division 6 Boys and Girls - U7/U8   Birth Year -2017/2018

Division 5 Girls - U9/U10/ U11   Birth Year - 2014/2015/2016

Division 5 Boys - U9/U10   Birth Year 2015/2016

Division 4 Boys - U11/U12/U13   Birth Year - 2014/2013/2012


Division 4 Super Rec Girls - U12/ U13/U14  Birth Year 2013/ 2012/ 2011



Please help your coaches!   

The first game of the day sets up the field and the last games of the day take down the field. 

Split the work equally among both teams grab a few parents to help and set those fields up and take down and put away accordingly.  Here is a quick breakdown of how to setup and take down. The games do not always start at 8:00 am, sometimes the first games will start later on a field.  Please check the schedule to see if you are the first game or the last game as games do end earlier sometimes as well.  It is not the exact same schedule every weekend. 





Please check the fields prior to the start of every game for holes, divots, or any dangerous play areas.  They must be addressed prior to the start of the game for safety of players and referees. 



Home team chooses the side of the field.  Some teams are going to be short players, some won’t.  Please get together with the opposing teams coach prior to the game and decide if you need to play up or down based on how many players show up etc… 



This is where we always have issues.  Please do not run up the scores.  If your team is winning, by more than 3 goals you are asked to please rearrange your players, or try a new method of scoring.  This lets the other team not necessarily catch up on the score, but not have a belittling game.  No one wants to go home beat 13-0.  We will not post scores with more than 3 goals ahead anyways, so there’s no need to run up the score just for fun.  Substitute players more, put the forwards in the back and the defense in the front, make them pass 5 times before they can shoot.  There are a ton of different ways to make it a learning experience, at the same time as playing the game. 

No fighting with other coaches, or parents etc… This is a no brainer for most, but hey we can all get a little competitive and there’s nothing wrong with that.  As long as we stay under control and compose ourselves appropriately there should not be a problem.  



If we get a complaint or here or any verbal abuse to a player, parent, team, coach etc.. We do have a 5 step process that we will follow.  

First Offense: Discuss the issue with the direct parties. Find a suitable positive solution. 

Second Offense:  Board member will supervise games. 

Third Offense:  Offender will be asked to leave the field. 

Fourth Offense:  Offender will be banned from the field for the remainder of the season. 

Fifth Offense:  Board will hold a meeting to discuss offenses and will vote if the offender is to be banned from VCYS permanently or based on stipulations.  (and yes we do have a list of several that have reached this level, I know youth sports can be mind boggling) 



If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a referee, please let us know and we can direct you to the proper place to get your certification.  You must be 12 or older. 

VCYS has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying the referees.  You are in no way able to voice a negative or derogatory comment to a referee.  Even if they called something wrong, even if they are being one sided in your eyes.  You can voice your feedback to us and we can help.  But you are NOT, and I repeat NOT at all allowed to raise your voice, yell, or use foul language in any negative manner towards a referee.  This includes all coaching staff, and parents on the sidelines.  You are ultimately responsible for your sideline.  If a parent is out of hand and is being negative towards the referee, that parent will be removed from the field.  If a parent fails to leave the field the referee has the right to end the match.


Restricted Nights for practices: 

Back to school nights you must cancel your practices, even if you are on Cole Grade Park field.  We have to be able to free up parking for the school.  

So far back to school nights (BTS) are as follows: 

Primary:  9/4

Elementary: 9/11

Pauma:  ?

Lilac: 9/10 & 9/11  

Middle School: 8/29


PICTURE DAY  9/28/2024: 

The picture day schedule will be released shortly after the regular recreational schedule is posted.  Picture day schedule rotates around competitive and recreational schedules so please be aware that on that day, your allowed picture time will be sometime before your game that day.  So be prepared for a longer Saturday than usual.  

Prep for picture day:  Please give your families the date asap, there will NOT be a makeup day SO the team picture will be missing a kiddo if you do not give them these dates in advance.  Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your picture time, have your team lined up with picture papers ready to go.  Have the team lined up shortest to tallest.  These are the small things that make the day go a lot smoother.  The picture team will take it from there.  Arriving early and having those forms filled out DIGITALLY ahead of time and the parents paying for additional pictures or whatever saves a ton of time.  



You cannot just have any parent on the field helping.  Coaches, Assistant coaches, must have all compliance requirements completed.


This is where everyone gets confused.   We will try to lay this out as easily and painlessly as possible.  

Team sponsors are what help the league keep the costs low.  Our registration fees, cover pictures, trophies, uniforms, and some equipment.  But team sponsors are what help out with field fees, insurance, porta potties, trash, electricity, all stars, registration fees, etc…….  I know it seems like we are asking for a lot, but if you look at the bigger picture there is A LOT that goes into one season of soccer.  

Each team is asked to find a sponsor for their team.  The sponsors donate $300.00 to the team, that money goes to VCYS.   The sponsors receive their name on our website, and a banner that hangs on Cole Grade Rd fence for the duration of the season.  

The team banners that your team purchases separately are not part of that $300.00.  The best thing to do is collect a set amount for the season for misc items from each parent and then use the funds to purchase your team's cute little banner, names on shirts, coaches gifts, snacks, team party, etc… The only request is that your team puts the sponsors name at the top of the banner and it must be displayed larger than the players names.  

 Team banners for the side of the field are just something that every team loves and they look great in the pictures.  They are not required, but they are kind of part of the whole soccer atmosphere and no one wants to be the team that doesn’t have one.  There are several options for getting a team banner that are super reasonable.  Sports Closet has great deals that include a stand etc.. Look online, they have amazing pop up banners for easy setup, and my personal favorite cheap website for banners is  Any of these are acceptable and they are all reasonable in prices.  Sports Closet is definitely the easiest for the price and they are highly recommended.  

 Please send out an email to your team and ask if anyone would like to sponsor your team, or if anyone knows a business that would like to sponsor your team.  Another great idea is to take a few kiddos dressed in their cute uniforms around town and pass out sponsor forms to the local businesses.  Almost every business in town will sponsor a soccer team.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, help us find sponsors.  The more sponsors we find, the lower the registration fees will be.  If you have any questions about sponsors or need some help, please reach out to Karen Gutierrez or Charlie Knust.


Mid Season Tournament 10/19/2024:  

Schedule TBA in a later email. 

PeeWee teams participate in spirt contest however will only play 1 game. Super Rec will also only play regular game.

For all other teams this is an all day event.  Teams will all play each other at least once with a Championship game.   All teams are encouraged to participate in the Spirit contest.


If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to any of us.  Again thank you so much for taking on this responsibility.  We are a 99% volunteer run, non-profit organization that works to develop strong soccer players in a fun atmosphere where they can learn to love the game.  Remember these kids will not remember where they played, or what position they played or how many goals are scored.  They are going to remember that great coach, who loved to have fun who always praised them even if they weren’t the best or were. 

 **HEAT ADVISORY** We are working to try to play games this weekend with plenty of water breaks. We may need to reschedule some of the later afternoon games but will advise later this week.


Valley Center Youth Soccer Board